Customer Relationship Management Solution

UpScale is an online one stop solution (CRM) to manage your projects, tasks, clients and staff. It allows you to manage the leads and set reminders and fix meetings for potential conversions. The online CRM allows users to access from any location around the globe

Free Email Marketing

Email marketing is a method of informing customers on your email list about new products, promotions, and other services. It can be a softer pitch to enlighten your audience about your brand.

Cloud or self hosted

When an organisation installs and accesses technology on a server managed and operated by a third party over the internet, it is referred to as cloud hosting. When an organization downloads.

Free integrations

integration refers to the end result of a process aimed at threading together different, often fragmented, subsystems so that the data contained in each does become part of a larger, more integrated solution .

Free Custom Field

Custom fields are a way to store and express contact information. While tags are commonly used to further segment contact lists, custom fields can be used to get even more granular. Custom fields are used to hold information.

Free Call center

To aid call center agents in responding to inbound and outbound calls, call center software includes telecommunication technology and case management capabilities.

Email promoting is sending business messages to a rundown of contacts who have allowed their express to get email interchanges from you. You can utilize email promoting to illuminate your contacts, drive deals, and assemble a local area around your image, as with a pamphlet.

Self-facilitating implies introducing, running and keeping up with the equipment locally and dealing with the product application in that, rather than leasing this assistance from a SaaS (programming as a specialist organization. Conversely, a facilitated arrangement .

Reconciliation is the demonstration of uniting more modest parts into a solitary framework that capacities as one. In an IT setting, reconciliation alludes to the outcome of an interaction that expects to line together unique, regularly different, subsystems so the information contained in each turns out to be important for a bigger, more exhaustive framework required.

Custom fields are a method for putting away and addressing contact information. While clients normally use labels to additional fragment their contact records, clients utilize custom fields to settle the score more granular than labels. Custom fields store information that is extremely durable and one of a kind to each contact.

A call community varies from a contact place in that it customarily just arrangements with voice calls. When your call community handles questions from one more channel of contact – whether that is email, live talk, informing and so on – it turns into the contact centre.Be that as it may, while this is actually the situation .

Deals are critical to the accomplishment of each business and the most ideal way to remain in front of your rivals is to use deals the executives programming. In certain cases, entrepreneurs sell their item and in others, they bargain their administrations. Henceforth, the center thought behind each business today is to make deals.