Estate Solutions
Estate Solutions is a top tier emerging real estate marketing agency of the twin cities marketing more than 10 projects

Idea behind the logo
Making a combination of vector / icon with text was a good decision for visual interest of the logo. The vector represents different business transactions relating to real estate. The bold font style enhances the visibility of logo over the web and social media. The blue color in the logo demonstrates the sense of professionalism and trust that is the core concern of clients buying real estate. After creation, refining and logo finalization, office stationery was designed and printed

Responsive Website
Based on decision made during research phase, the content on the site was divided into multiple sub-domains so that each sub-domain represents specific information i.e. location, ownership, features and contact information. Not a separate mobile version was developed yet, but the site is fully responsive and is able to easily adjust itself as per the dimensions of the electronic device.